Nice to meet you

Training Front-end Developer based in England, Derby - Learning all things HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Despite facing some challenges in discovering my passion for front-end programming, I am so glad to be here now.

Elle .










A Little about Me

Picture of smiling, curly haired me

Name: Elle Griffiths

Age: 26

Location: England

“I'm trying to figure out if I love art enough to be poor.”

Hello, I'm Elle - how you say 'She' in French. I'm 26, from England, living in Derby. The path to discovering my interest in front-end programming has been anything but straightforward. Experiencing different environments and careers has uncovered my love for design, appreciation of practicability and the enjoyment of creating a product that someone wholeheartedly loves.

A chance encounter with Studio Ghibli lead me to study 2D animation in college - which also sparked my love for digital art. Part-time freelancing had me creating logos, digital portraits, handwritten chalkboards and more. Though I enjoyed freelancing, I couldn't help but feel like something was missing. Discovering SheCodes was the beginning. Through my experience, I discovered the enjoyable aspects of programming and, above all, the ability to combine many of my passions.